Blog 8: Final blog post

 The main takeaways from this course is to pay attention on the ongoing topics in the class. I learned a lot about how to organize my time and build on topics on my own time with this course. Building and reviewing my resume over the time in the semester gave me a good sense of what the recruiters were looking for. Other think that I would like to say is pay attention to people’s experience when they talk about it in the class, this could help you a lot in making sure you don’t make the same mistakes they did or learn something good from that. Every topic discussed in the class is very relatable to the everyday life so try to connect and that will make you want to know more and work more towards it on your final project. I had no idea about how the block hai. Works when we started that part but as we talked about it. It made me curious in how things worked. So I read a lot of articles and watched video to understand it and it was fun doing that since I got to learn something I didn’t know before. 


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